Herein should lie a handsome face, but all you got was 
			this blank space
Ideas from the mind of Jonathan Searcy
Goo formed into a dollar sign

An agent-based financial model of the effect of supply and demand in a market for a globally finite amount of a notional commodity, goo, the quantity of which is measured in globs, that is neither created nor consumed, but is generally considered more desirable than cash when cash is plentiful, but less so when cash is not.

Hurricane Isabel from ISS, Mike Trenchard, Earth Sciences & Image Analysis Laboratory, NASA Johnson Space Center

A discussion on the likelihood that demographics and changes in human behaviour are making the present round of inflation both more severe and more persistent than most central bankers would wish.

Students taking a test at the University of Vienna at the end of the summer term 2005 (Saturday, June 25, 2005), Students taking a test at the University of Vienna at the end of the summer term 2005 (Saturday, June 25, 2005)

A tool for creating an optimized study plan based on the dates of the exams that you face and your learning and retention rates for the various subjects.

© 2022 Jonathan Searcy